Talar Aghbashian

Running Horse Contemporary Art Space

Beirut, Lebanon
Blind Finds
1 April- 31 May 2013

Press release


Telling the tales of old city ruins and excavation sites, Blind Finds invites the viewer through the intricate meanders of Aghbashian’s apprehension of a world burdened by disillusion and the weight of a background tied to the Lebanese civil war and the Armenian genocide.
A dark questioning sense of the world where recognizable forms are sometimes fragmented to near abstraction, Talar Aghbashian explores the ambiguity of landscapes, the fate of humankind and the fantastic: a pictorial interpretation that depicts landscapes and cultural inheritance.
Statues, Helicopters, blabla, blabla While investigating on intrinsic constituents that are reflected, obscured, distorted she examines the full spectrum of emotional response from wonder and joy to melancholy and loss (hume tate).
The magnitude of the depicted landscapes projects the viewer further away from the frames and actively immerses him/her into the artists uncanny universe...This form of contemporary sublimity resonates with Hegel's theory of beauty where “the sublime lies at the bottom of a hierarchy of beauties set in formal relationships to reality” bringing to the fore an objective study of beauty established between its content and its representation.
The paintings disconcert as they reveal multiple solutions, an intangible and ambiguous supplement looks to call on our consciousness of the world surrounding us.
The exhibition brings together around thirty paintings that are poised between abstraction and rendition, presenting a skilful painter whose works radiate a sense of emotional attachment between the artist and her sitters a dark questioning sense of the world where recognizable forms are sometimes fragmented to near abstraction, Talar Aghbashian explores the ambiguity of landscapes and cultural inheritance.

The Running Horse